Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Update: Spring Break, College Acceptances, etc.

Sorry for being so quiet for awhile.  I went traveling with my family during Spring Break and didn't have access to a computer or internet for almost 2 weeks.  It was great to unplug for awhile!

In other news, I found out that I was accepted by USC, UCLA and UCSD for computer science!  I'm pretty thrilled to be able to choose between such great schools!

Right now, I have a few small tweaks coming down the line for the Unit Circle Quiz android app.  I fixed a small UI bug and I'm adding a main menu screen.  I might add some other features soon, and maybe a "lite" version, but we'll see.  For my school, I have a fair amount of work to do with our school club directory app, so that'll take up more of my free time from now until just after it launches.  And finally, I have a ton of work (as usually) to do for my robotics team.  I'm kept pretty busy!

I have big plans for this summer (my first summer without summer homework, and also my longest summer vacation to date).  I want to push out a few more Android apps and write a BUNCH of QML/C++ tutorials as I more fully learn how to leverage them together.  The official release of Qt 5.1 will help out with that...

Thanks for stopping by!

Chris Konstad

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